Accelerating Revenue with Sales Outsourcing

Accelerating Revenue with Sales Outsourcing

It’s been around for many years, under various names, and utilized by a wide spectrum of businesses, from start-ups to the fortune 100.​​ So, why are some companies opposed to leveraging Outsourced Sales Providers (OSP) versus direct hires?

Considering that many of the most successful companies outsource processes to increase the efficiency of their in-house teams. It’s likely due to the resistance to releasing control to a third party or a misconception of how they will benefit from a tiered sales team.

What roles are being assigned to agencies like Wave Representatives?

Inside Sales Representatives (ISR): They bridge the gap between initial interest and closed deals, qualifying leads, building relationships, and propelling them through the sales pipeline.

Today’s two most impactful inside sales specializations streamline your pipeline and skyrocket revenue by elevating responsiveness, qualification, and conversion rates.

Channel Development Representatives (CDR): They transform your partner ecosystem into a high-octane revenue engine, unlocking a world of benefits for your business.

Sales Development Representatives (SDR): They’re masters of uncovering needs and pain points. SDRs ask the right questions, separating the signal from the noise, and delivering only the hottest leads to your sales team.

Sales Outsourcing Benefit:

We handle the recruitment, onboarding, and comprehensive sales training, so you can focus on closing deals, not managing paperwork.

Our expert team takes care of everything – from sourcing top talent to crafting personalized training plans. Say goodbye to the stress of hiring, training, and managing an in-house team. We free up your time, resources, and sanity, while delivering high-performing inside salespeople at a fraction of the cost.

How could you get started?

Front of Funnel provides the easiest opportunity for companies to engage a third-party sales provider. This is where you can integrate the agency into your process, qualifying inbound marketing leads before handing them off to your direct salespeople.

The idea here is simple, the amount of time and energy required to successfully acquire a new customer is at an all-time high. This provides an opportunity to improve this front of funnel process and have incredible benefits downstream. Moving this process from revenue operations to an outside agency, can lower your customer acquisition costs by as much as 50%.

How to find the right sales outsourcing partner?

The challenge is choosing an agency that will provide sales services as an extended team, not as a “lead generation or appointment setting” service.

Here are the top gotcha’s to avoid when choosing an OSP

Dedicated or Shared?Many agencies provide shared sales resources, with the same people being assigned to multiple accounts. If you want dedicated personnel, ask them if the salespeople assigned will be working on other accounts.

White-labeled or branded?

Ask if the provider is doing the work under their brand; this can confuse end-user prospects.

Who has the Data?

How will data be shared between your company and theirs? When a salesperson is prospecting through shared lists, doing so within separate systems creates silos of reporting and blindspots.

New Hires or Reassigned?

While hiring a Sales Development Representative can be challenging, finding people who are a good fit for your company can take time. If the provider uses existing staff, this should be a red flag if you want a dedicated team.

Location, Location, Location.

If you’re looking for people to sell in North America, many of these companies will have staff exclusively offshore. Ensure where the sales team will be located if you want people working from inside the United States.

Can they scale the team?

How will they scale their operations when you require additional team members if they provide shared resources?

You should maintain a similar process for your outsourced sales development representatives as you would with direct hires; you can easily scale the team.

How will the salespeople be incentivized?

While it’s always the goal to obtain the lowest cost possible, you should factor in the sales development representatives into the compensation plan. How will they share in the wins of the team?

We provide a commission share that lowers the monthly cost to help keep the salespeople engaged. If the client cannot share commissions, our monthly rate is higher to pay the bonuses per held meeting.

How will you communicate?

This is a major key to success; the indirect sales team will struggle unless the team can work together seamlessly. We recommend creating a slack / teams channel for real-time communication.

Avoid Email and SMS services.

We see a lot of services that SPAM a huge number of prospects using disposable email accounts. Likewise, text messaging outreach will infuriate your prospects.

Where are they focused?

It’s important to understand where the agency focuses. Most outsourced sales providers are almost exclusively focused on SMB companies, helping marketing departments fill funnel and follow up on inbound marketing leads.

If you’re a larger company looking to offload your more tedious sales processes, make certain you partner with a company that understands how to work with larger sales teams, complex sales cycles, and indirect sales channels.

To benefit from this service, you’ll need to choose the right provider to avoid finding yourself locked into a contract with a lead generation or appointment setting company and no better off than when you started.

Interested in Sales Outsourcing?

Why a client selects Wave Representatives. We understand the current processes; how to successfully move over the functions they want to outsource to our team and optimize the process while ensuring transparency.

What does that mean?

For example, when a client hires us to build out an SDR team, we survey their current prospecting process and identify gaps.

Once we gauge how we can assist the client, we provide solutions built around improving the flow from marketing to sales. This might include software recommendations, playbooks, and messaging improvements.

Once we’ve all agreed to a basic process, Wave Representatives finds the right talent for the client, handling all of the interviewing process, basic onboarding, and provisioning in their new role.

The company will provide email, VoIP, a sales engagement platform, CRM, and internal communications like direct hires.

Wave Representatives will provide oversight of the new team, managing their day-to-day outreach, measuring KPI’s and coaching as needed.

Similarly, when providing dedicated Channel Development Representatives (CDRs) for technology companies who sell their products through indirect sales channels, we seek the right talent and ensure their success.

Our goal is to accelerate deal cycles, improve processes, and provide a professional sales experience for their partners.

CDRs are dedicated to the accounts, are completely integrated into the clients’ workflow, utilize the same tools as direct hires, and like the Sales Development Representatives (SDRs), are, for all intents and purposes, appear to be direct employees of the client.

If you’re interested in accelerating revenue by outsourcing sales processes you’re currently managing in-house, reach out to Wave Representatives for a free consultation.

David Marsh
CEO at Wave | Your Best Partner

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